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Chestnut Class - Year 5


Welcome to the Chestnut Class.

We are a class of 22 enthusiastic Year 5's who are always curious about new topics and love working together! #teamchestnut

You can find information about our learning for the term and homework (including weekly spellings).

P.E. will be on Thursdays and Fridays each week.


Mrs Spencer

PE Days

In Spring term 2024, our P.E. days will be on THURSDAY and FRIDAY every week.

Thursdays - P.E. with Mrs Spencer

Fridays - P.E. with Mr Roome

Please come to school in P.E. kit on Thursdays and Fridays.

Our Learning for the Term

Please click on the link below to view details about our learning for this term.

Chestnut Class topics Summer 2024


Homework set: 17.5.24

Hand in date: 24.5.24


Our homework this week is a reading comprehension about Jane Goodall, who we have been learning about in Science. The reading comprehension was sent home in homework folders (or plastic wallets if your folder was missing) on Friday. There are a variety of questions to answer in the pack - some on the answer sheet, and I have provided lined paper for the additional answers.


The homework should take approximately 30 minutes. There is no need to answer all the questions.


Hand in date for the homework is Friday 24th May. Please hand it in in your homework folder.



You can view the spellings in the table below:


Chestnut Class spellings

Set: 13.5.24

Test: 20.5.24

Group 1

Words with /ear/ sound spelt “ere”

  1. sincere
  2. interfere
  3. sphere
  4. adhere
  5. severe
  6. persevere
  7. atmosphere
  8. mere
  9. hemisphere
  10. austere

Group 2

Word families


  1. scope
  2. telescope
  3. microscope
  4. horoscope
  5. periscope

Class Letters & Additional Information